Oleh: Risa Rahmawati, M.Pd.
Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah STAI AL Maarif Ciamis
Motivasi merupakan sebuah dorongan yang kuat dari dalam diri seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu hal untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan. Dalam hal ini, motivasi dari dalam diri siswa menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan kemampuan berbicara mereka.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris siswa SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya dan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris mereka. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode korelasi. Populasi penelitian, seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya terdiri dari 8 kelas sebanyak 307 siswa. Penulis mengambil sampel kelas XI IPA 1 menggunakan random sampling technique. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan tes. Hasil kuesioner dan tes dianalisis menggunakan rumus uji korelasi linier dua variabel.
Hasil pengolahan data menunjukan bahwa nilai Fhitung = 429,13 dan Ftabel = 4,12 (Fhitung > Ftabel), artinya, Ho ditolak, dan Ha diterima. Hal ini berarti, terdapat korelasi antara motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris siswa dan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya. Sementara, hasil perhitungan menggunakan rumus Pearson Product Moment Correlation menunjukan koefisien korelasi 0,96. Hal itu berarti, terdapat hubungan yang sangat tinggi antara motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris siswa dan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris mereka. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris siswa, maka akan semakin baik pula kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris mereka.
Kata kunci: Penelitian korelasi, motivasi instrinsik, kemampuan berbicara
Motivation is the strong drive that comes within someone himself to do something to achieve a goal. In this case, motivation inside of the students themselves is one of the factors that influences on the students’ success in learning language, especially English speaking ability.
The aim of this research is to know the accurate data about the correlation between students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya. The method uses in this research is correlational method. The population of this research is all students at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya in the academic year 2012/2013. The total numbers of population are 307 students divided into 8 classes. From the population, the writer takes the eleventh grade of IPA 1 class consisting of 37 students as the sample of this research by using random sampling technique. To collect the data, the writer uses questionnaire to find out the students’ English learning motivation and subjective test to know their speaking ability. The technique of analysing the data, the writer uses the linier correlation formula between two variables.
The result of analising the data shows Fobserved (429.13) > Ftable(4.12), it means that there is correlation between students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability. While, the result of calculating data by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation shows that (r) value is 0.96, it means that the correlation coefficient between the students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability is very high. In other words, the higher students’ English learning motivation, the better students’ English speaking ability will be.
Key words: Correlation method, intrinsic motivation, speaking ability
In language learning, speaking ability is an important aspect that should be mastered by the students. It helps them to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, information, and experiences verbally to another person. In fact, common problems and difficulties are often found by the students in learning and practicing speaking. One of the problems is the motivation to eliminate the fear of making mistake when speaking.
In a learning process, there are several factors influencing the students’ learning result; they are external and internal factors. External factors mean the factors that come outside of the students. They are families, schools and communities. Internal factors mean the factors that grow inside of the students. They are motivation, interests, talents, and intelligence. Motivation is one of the factors that influences on the students in learning language. Motivation is the strong drive that comes within someone himself to do something and to achive a goal. Ur, Penny (1991:121) states that, “Characteristics of a successful speaking activity are: a. Learners talk a lot; b. Participation is even; c. Motivation is high; d. Language is of an acceptable level.” Based on the theory, one of the factors that influences on the students’ success in learning speaking is high motivation.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in doing a research entitled, “The Correlation between Students’ English Learning Motivation and Their Speaking Ability (A Case Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya).”
In this research, the writer uses the correlation method. It is intended to investigate the correlation between the students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability.
This research has two variables. They are independent and dependent variables. The independent variabel is students’ English learning motivation symbolized by X, because this variable causes other variable. The dependent variable is students’ English speaking ability symbolized by Y, because this variable is result of other variable.
The population of this research is all of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya in academic year 2012-2013. The total of number population are 307 students divided into 8 classes. The writer takes class XI IPA 1 consisting of 37 students as the sample of this research by using random sampling technique.
To collect the data the writer uses questionnaire and test. The questionnaire given by the writer purposes to obtain the data about students’ English learning motivation that consists of 20 items. While speaking test given by the writer is intended to determine the students’ English speaking ability. The students are asked to retell a chosen story. To examine the validity of the research instrument, the writer uses internal validity. Sugiyono (2012:123) states, “Instrumen yang mempunyai validitas internal atau rasional, bila kriteria yang ada dalam instrumen secara rasional (teoritis) telah mencerminkan apa yang diukur. Jadi kriterianya ada didalam instrumen itu.” The instrument has the internal validity, if the existed criteria in the instrument has rationally reflected what have been measured.
To analyse the data obtained from the questionnaire and the speaking test, the writer uses the correlational formula between two variables, it purposes to know wheter there is a correlation between students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability, the formula is as follows :
= The average number of squares a regression to b
= The average number of quadratic residues.
α = The critical value
= Degrees of freedom of a regression to b.
= Degrees of freedom residues.
(Somantri, Ating and Sambas Ali Muhidin, 2006:246)
To know the coefficient of the correlation, it is used product moment formula as presented by Pearson or known as Pearson Product Moment Correlation, as follows:
∑ X = sum of the X scores
∑ Y = sum of the Y scores
∑ X2 = sum of the squared X scores
∑ Y2 = sum of the squared Y scores
∑ XY = sum of the products of paired X and Y scores
N = number of paired scores
(Best, John W. and James V. Kahn, 1995:304)
Table 1
Coefficient Categories
Coefficient (r) | Relationship |
0.00 – 0.20 | Negligible |
0.20 – 0.40 | Low |
0.40 – 0.60 | Moderate |
0.60 – 0.80 | Substantial |
0.80 – 1.00 | High to very high |
(Best, John W. and James V. Kahn, 1995:308)
In doing an ideal research, there are some sistematical steps of the research that must be done by the writer, as follows:
- Determining the formulation of the problem and aim of the research;
- Formulating the research hypothesis;
- Determining population and sample;
- Making the research instrument;
- Giving the test and questionnaire to the sample class;
- Analysing the data of the test result;
- Examining the research hypothesis
- Making the conclusion.
To get the result of this research, the data are obtained from questionnaire and test result. Here is the result of questionnaire and test:
Table 2
The Results of The Students’ Questionnaire and Test
No | Students’ English Learning Motivation(X) | Students’ English Speaking Ability(Y) |
1 | 61 | 68 |
2 | 67 | 71 |
3 | 75 | 77 |
4 | 65 | 68 |
5 | 55 | 59 |
6 | 53 | 55 |
7 | 76 | 80 |
8 | 69 | 76 |
9 | 53 | 55 |
10 | 59 | 55 |
11 | 59 | 63 |
12 | 48 | 49 |
13 | 53 | 55 |
14 | 43 | 49 |
15 | 47 | 55 |
16 | 53 | 59 |
17 | 75 | 77 |
18 | 61 | 71 |
19 | 61 | 63 |
20 | 72 | 83 |
21 | 77 | 80 |
22 | 60 | 60 |
23 | 53 | 55 |
24 | 45 | 48 |
25 | 61 | 65 |
26 | 45 | 48 |
27 | 55 | 59 |
28 | 64 | 65 |
29 | 71 | 75 |
30 | 72 | 73 |
31 | 55 | 63 |
32 | 71 | 76 |
33 | 75 | 79 |
34 | 63 | 65 |
35 | 64 | 71 |
36 | 67 | 71 |
37 | 45 | 49 |
S | 2248 | 2390 |
Based on the table the writer finds ∑X, ∑Y, ∑X2, ∑Y2, and ∑XY. The writer uses person’s product moment to know the correlation between students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability. The formula as follow:
n = 37, = 2248, = 140158,= 2390, = 158292,
= 148805
r = 0,96
The result of calculating data by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula shows that (r) value is 0.96. It means that the correlation coefficient between the students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya is very high. Index interpretation of the product moment correlation by Best, John W. and James V. Kahn (1995:308), as follows:
Coefficient (r) | Relationship |
0.00 – 0.20 | Negligible |
0.20 – 0.40 | Low |
0.40 – 0.60 | Moderate |
0.60 – 0.80 | Substantial |
0.80 – 1.00 | High to very high |
Furthermore, The writer states the hypothesis of the research as follows:
Ho : “There is no correlation between students’ English learning
motivation and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya.”
Ha : “There is correlation between students’ English learning
motivation and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya.”
The rule of examining Ho is as follow:
Ho is accepted if Fobserved < Ftable
Based on the research result above, the writer finds that the value of Fobserved is 429.13 and the value of Ftable is 4.12. The result shows that the value of Fobserved is higher than the value of Ftable or Fobserved>Ftable. It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) of this research,“There is no correlation between students’ English learning
motivation and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya,” is refused, so that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research, “There is correlation between students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya,” is accepted.
One of the factors that influences on the students’ success in learning speaking is motivation. Ur, Penny (1991:121) states that, “Characteristics of a successful speaking activity are: a. Learners talk a lot; b. Participation is even; c. Motivation is high; d. Language is of an acceptable level.” Furthermore, Nunan, David (1999:232) states, “Motivation is a key consideration in determining the preparedness of learners to communicate. Motivation refers to the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes toward learning the language.” It means, there are some characteristics that makes the students successful in learning speaking. One of them is high motivation.
Motivation is the strong drive that comes within student himself to do something to achive a goal. Motivation has an important role in learning activity. Motivation is a strong drive to study. There are some functions of motivation in learning. According to Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri (2008:157), “Fungsi motivasi dalam belajar yaitu, motivasi sebagai pendorong perbuatan, motivasi sebagai penggerak perbuatan, dan motivasi sebagai pengarah perbuatan.” It means that functions of motivation in learning is the motivation as a motive of an action, an actor of an action and a director of an action. It shows that, the functions of motivation in learning are motivation as the drive to study, motivation as the actor of the action to study, motivation as the director of an action to achieve the learning objective.
There are two kinds of motivation; they are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the motive inside the students themselves. Whereas extrinsic motivation is the motive that comes outside of the students themselves. Intrinsic motivation is the main drive of the students’ success in learning language, especially in learning speaking. Harmer, Jeremy (2002:51) states, “Most researchers and methodologists have come to the view that intrinsic motivation is especially important for encouraging success.” It means, that intrinsic motivation is the main drive of the students’ success in learning speaking.
The motivation comes inside of the students themselves (intrinsic motivation) is the main drive of the students’ success in learning speaking. Harmer, Jeremy (1988:8) explains that, “Teacher are not, however, ultimately responsible for their students’ motivation. They can only encourage by word and deed. Real motivation comes from within each individual.” It means, the motivation from the teacher is not the main motivation of students’ success in learning speaking, but the real motivation which influence on students’ success in learning speaking is motivation comes inside the students themselves. If the students have a high motivation that comes inside the students themselves, they will involve an active role in the learning process by maximizing their abilities and eliminating their fear in speaking English.
Based on the description above, the writer concludes that the students will success in learning speaking if they have high motivation. Therefore, by having a high motivation inside the students themselves, it will produce strong drive to study English in order to achieve the learning goal. The learning goal to achieve by the students is the success of the ability in English speaking well. The higher the students’ English learning motivation, the better their speaking ability will be.
The result of analysing the data using the formula of linier correlation between two variables shows the value of Fobserved is 429.13 and the value of Ftable is 4.12. Therefore, the value of Fobserved is higher than the value of Ftable or Fobserved>Ftable. It means that the null hypothesis (Ho), “There is no correlation between students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability,” is refused and the alternative hypothesis (Ha), “There is correlation between students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability,” is accepted. In other words, there is correlation between the students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability.
Furthermore, the result of calculating the data by using the formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation shows that (r) value is 0.96. It means that the correlation coefficient between the students’ English learning motivation and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya is very high. Therefore, the writer concludes that the higher students’ English learning motivation, the better their speaking ability will be.
Based on the conclusion previously, the writer would like to offer some suggestions to the next researcher, the English teacher and the students, as follows:
1. The next researcher should:
Investigate the correlation between the students’ English learning motivation and another three skills in learning English, namely listening, reading and writing.
2. The teacher should:
- encourage the students to have high motivation in learning English.
- encourage the students to learn English seriously and hard, especially in English speaking ability.
- encourage the students to apply the English materialin the daily life, especially to practice English orally.
3. The students must:
- motivate themselves to be confident and brave in practicing English speaking.
- be active in teaching learning process, especially in learning English speaking.
- keep improving their English speaking ability, for example by listening to native speakers, watching films, listening English songs and practicing it.
Best, John W. and James V. Kahn. (1995). Research in Education –7th Edition. New Delhi:Prentice-Hall of India, Inc.
Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri. (2008). Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta:Rineka Cipta.
Harmer, Jeremy. (1988). How to Teach English-An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching. England:Longman.
Harmer, Jeremy. (2002). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Cambridge, UK:Longman.
Nunan, David. (1999). Second Language Teaching & Learning. USA:Heinle Cengage Learning.
Somantri, Ating and Sambas Ali Muhidin. (2006). Aplikasi Statistika dalam Penelitian. Bandung:CV Pustaka Setia.
Ur, Penny. (1991). A Course in Language Teaching-Practice and Theory. UK:Cambridge University Press.